Securing Food, Garbage, and Gear
When you are recreating in bear country, it is essential that you secure your food, garbage, and other items that have an odour. Bears have a very keen sense of smell and may be attracted to anything that smells interesting to them. Items including food, food wrappers, toothpaste, soap, lotions, deodorant, or bug sprays should be secured from bears.
There are several ways to keep attractants away from bears. The traditional method is to keep a clean camp and hang your food and garbage out of reach when you are not using it. Some campgrounds in parks provide bear hangs or bear poles. If a bear hang isn’t available, carry 100-feet of cord that you can use to hang your food between two trees.
Another option is to surround your campsite with a lightweight, portable electric fence. Set-up properly and well-maintained, electric fencing is an excellent way to secure not only your food and garbage, but your entire campsite. These days, fences are inexpensive and ultra-light—many weigh less than four pounds with batteries—making them suitable for backpacking or kayaking.
Food and garbage (along with your toothpaste and deodorant) can also be stored in portable bear-resistant containers. Some campgrounds offer metal storage lockers for your convenience, but it’s best to be self-sufficient and carry your own portable, bear-resistant food canister and odour proof barrier bags. There are several models to choose from.
The following are only some of the many products available. We do not endorse one product over another, but whatever product you chose, ensure it is certified bear-resistant by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee.