Grizzly bear 399, who lived in the Tetons of Wyoming, US, an amazing bear -- for the benefit of bears and other wildlife, and for people (thank you Joe Menius)

399 and her famous foursome in 2020 (thank you vangophotos.com)

One of the first Pilgrim Creek crossings for the quads

399 and one of her rare solo cubs

Heading up to the den with the quads, end of 2021

The great guardian

399 and her last cub, Spirit, in 2023

Where to next?

One of many road crossings in Teton NP

Trying to keep up with Mom

"The most famous bear in the world"

Spirit playful with Mom, not always reciprocated

Be safe, Spirit (thank you, Joe Menius)

399 had three sets of triplets between 2006-2013

Are we drinking?

Oh! ... we're swimming...

Always on the move with Mom in the lead (thank you vangophotos.com)

399 was an attentive mother of 18 cubs over the span of her incredible 28-year life

Grizzly Bear 399, Queen of the Tetons - Forever

Farewell, 399 (1996-2024): Thank you for all you've done for bears.

All bears are special. And, there are special bears.
Grizzly 399 was more of an advocate for bears than any person could be. She lived for 28 years and had 18 cubs in the Tetons of Wyoming, USA. In 2020, 399 came out with her famous quads, four little cubs. Her mothering was decisive yet poignant. She was often very visible and incredibly tolerant with people, as 399 was known to graze and keep her cubs near roads lined with viewers. People of all kinds came from around the world to see 399 and she never disappointed.
Watching people’s faces light up when 399 and her cubs appeared made for hope — that people and bears can peacefully coexist.
We would like to feature bears that have been admired by many, and who have helped people to respect and live alongside bears and other wildlife.