Support Coexistence
Your donation will help people and communities get Bear Smart! We will continue conducting research, advocating for sound policy and decision-making, educating the public and key stakeholders, and developing solutions to human-bear conflicts. Every dollar donated here goes back to funding this resource, and your donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.
Please note that this website was previously run by the Get Bear Smart Society in Canada. GBSS handed off this site to the Montana-based nonprofit People and Carnivores after ceasing operations in 2023. 100% of donations are still used for the upkeep of the BearSmart.com resource and to help people coexist with bears. Learn more about the organizational changes here.
Use the form below to donate today.
If you have any questions, contact us.
More Ways to Give
You can continue your lifetime of caring after your passing by remembering in your will the animals and the animal protection organizations which have earned your trust.
You can use thoughtful estate planning—regardless of the size of your estate—to go on helping animals.
Learn More
A bequest in your will is a wonderful and simple way to make a charitable gift that will help ensure People and Carnivores’ important work of saving and protecting bears is carried on.
If you are interested in making a charitable bequest, consult your lawyer to notify them of your wish to leave a gift to People and Carnivores. Your bequest may be in any form, such as a sum of money, an asset, or an investment.
Let Us Thank You
If you’ve named People and Carnivores in your will, please let us know—we’d love to thank you for your kindness and generosity.
How it Works
If you wish to change your current will to include a gift to People and Carnivores, you can request your lawyer to prepare a codicil. A codicil is a signed and witnessed document that adds a new gift, or changes or eliminates a provision in your will. It appendages your current will and prevents the need to redraft the entire document.
Sample wording to make a general bequest in support of People and Carnivores is:
People and Carnivores located in Bozeman, Montana is to receive the sum of $__________, or __________ (asset), or ____% of my Estate, to be used for its general purposes.
Types of Bequests You Can Consider
There are many ways you can make a bequest that you may wish to discuss with your lawyer as you consider making or updating your will.
1. Residual bequest. This gift allows you to give a percentage value from your estate.
2. Specific bequest. This gift allows you to give a fixed dollar value.
3. Contingent bequest. This gift allows you to make a bequest on condition that a certain event must occur before distribution to the beneficiary. For example, you may want to name a secondary beneficiary lest the primary beneficiary fails to survive you.
Special considerations if you plan a charitable bequest to help support People and Carnivores include marking your bequest as an:
Unrestricted bequest: This type of gift allows your gift to be directed toward the area of greatest need.
Restricted bequest: This type of gift allows you to specify how the funds will be used. Discuss your plans with People and Carnivores to see how your wishes can best be carried out.
How to Make a Charitable Bequest
For more information about making a Charitable Bequest, please contact us using our contact form. Thank you for considering making this special commitment.
People and Carnivores’ IRS registration number is: 81-0482646
Email lupson@peopleandcarnivores.org and we will be in touch to set up a discussion with you.
People and Carnivores is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization registered with the IRS. 100% of donations go to Get Bearsmart.